In a Q & A article in the New York Times titled ‘Pain Medications Can Lose Their Punch’, the question was asked: Why would a pain medication lose its efficiency after working well for several years?

In his response Dr Shahil Ahmed, a pain medicine specialist at New York-Presbyterian Hospital / Weill Cornell Medical Center, replied: ‘ It is due to a phenomenon called tolerance., in which there is a decrease in response over time to repeated exposures of the body to pain medication. ‘This might be due to drug interactions, or bodily changes add a substance that induces an enzyme responsible for disposing of the drug.’ Other causes include increase in nervous system receptors, called NMDA receptors.
Dr Ahmed’s practice and research include several alternatives to conventional drug treatment for pain, including use of radio frequency to interrupt the nerve pathways of pain.
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After making my van my every day and driving a about 12K miles in it I realized I as having back pain.
I attributed the pain to the altered behavior of loading the van and such. Until this weekend when I lifted nothing into my van larger than a simple backpack.
When I took my break in driving on Friday night, I realized my back was in pain. So, I tucked my rolled sweatshirt behind my lower back. Problem went away.
So, now I am looking to make a real solution.
Based on the design of these seats and the cavitation where support is needed It appears any device for lumbar support would be a challenge to put on using straps around the seat back because of the seat edge (green part of pic).
So, I am guessing the best support would be hung downward from the headrest.
What do you use for these concave seatbacks which offer no lumbar support pillow